RIOT SHORTS | 50 Years of Riot

50 years of Riot! The QFFM :: Queer Film Festival München makes noise and remembers the New York Stonewall-Riots of 1969 at the Pride-Week – because resistance has brought us this far. But that’s not enough: For one evening, the QFFM team is showing short films about queer riots from all over the world at Bahnwärter Thiel.

admission: 18:30 Uhr | start: 19:30 Uhr

Tickets 5€ box office

+++ Attention: Representation of violence +++


“Hey You” / 5 minutes/ UK 2019 (no dialogue, some written English sentences)

“The Best Fireworks Ever – Najpiękniejsze fajerwerki ever” / 30 minutes/ Poland 2017 (Polish with Englisch subtitles)

“50 Years after Stonewall” / 65 minutes/ Germany 2019 (German with English subtitles)